About Me


My name is Ruihong Li. I’m Chinese. English is my second language. Because that I hear a lot of bad discuss when I was a high school freshman. It feels very similar to the chapter one’s main character in the books what I was read “Citizen: An American Lyric “by Claudia Rankine. I have experience like main characters. And I also feel helpless during that time.



In “Citizen: An American Lyric “by Claudia Rankine chapter, it is a story talk about an unnamed character, who memories back to the school she faces about racist problem. She’s friend call her “almost white person” when her friend need help for cheating. And a colleague at the university where she teaches complains to her about the fact that his dean is forcing him to hire a person of color. Basically, is talking about she is very sensitive for those racist sentence or word. Just because she lives in a racist society. She always questioned herself did they mean something racist or I just misunderstanding. I feel the same when I was in same condition.



When I was a high school student, I feel the same thing as the character in in “Citizen: An American Lyric “by Claudia Rankine chapter one. I remember my first year in us and I’m also freshman in high school. I go to a high school with less Asian student. I think only less than ten Asian in that high school. Student in school they are most white or black. When I first day in school, my classmate asks me about Chinese only eat rice? Is your math very good? Do you know Kungfu? I don’t remember what I was answering. But I don’t speak English very well in that time. I don’t even understand all the questions they ask. After they realize I was bad on English they start discussing something bad about me. Something like Asian is short, they won’t reject your request you can ask them about math homework. I don’t remember all the thing they talked about. I don’t make a lot of friends during that year in high school because they always ask me for math homework or problem. After that year I transfer to other high schools with colors people. I don’t have that issue anymore. But still feels bad about stereotypes about Asian or Chinese. I hope someday when all can get rid of all the stereotypes and racist.